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Othello, Washington
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Contact Us

Port of Othello
705 E. Hemlock St.
Othello, WA 99344

(509) 488-2544


Commercial Land For Sale

+/- 70 acres excluding right of ways in prime location

Corner of Highway 26 and Reynolds Rd

Kitty Corner from new large medical facility

$35,000 per acre for entire parcel

(Smaller parcels are negotiable)

 Lies within city limits of Othello

City water borders east and west property line

Utilities have been brought under Highway 26

North border of property parallels Highway 26 for ½ mile

Land is currently under farm lease

Port of Othello will pay 2% sellers fee to any licensed real estate agent in the State of Washington



Chris Faix, Executive Director

705 E. Hemlock St.

Othello, WA 99344


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