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Port of Othello
705 E. Hemlock St.
Othello, WA 99344

(509) 488-2544

Our Commissioners


The Port's commission is made up of three elected officials, serving six year terms. 





 Chairman, Commissioner Kenny Schutte

Port District #1

Kenny Schutte just began his fourth term as Port Commissioner, having first taken office in 2000. He is a local farmer and businessman and has sat on the boards of the Washington State Mint Council and the Federal Spearmint Marketing Order.  Kenny is a past board member of CHS. 



 Commissioner Gary Weaver

Port District #2

Gary Weaver's experience is in potato farming and crop insurance.  He also has had several small businesses, held a real estate license, and is a licensed pilot.



   Commissioner Deena Vietzke

Port District #3

The Port of Othello would like to welcome our new District 3 Port Commissioner Deena Vietzke.  Deena has lived in Othello for many years and will be a great addition to the Port of Othello.


Duties of a Port Commissioner

A port commissioner is elected by the public and serves as a member of the port commission for a six-year term. The port commission is primarily responsible for:

  • Planning, Goal Setting, Evaluation
    The port commission helps plan the port's future, and then guides the port's activities in that direction. This planning process involves the port commission, executive director, port staff, customers and citizens/voters. The process usually includes identifying a port's mission and goals, and developing strategies to achieve them. The port commission is ultimately responsible for evaluating and updating the planning process.
  • Port District Policy Making
    The port commission develops and adopts port district policies and governs operations. For example, developing guidelines for long-term economic development, establishing positions and employment policies, and adopting budgets.
  • Budgeting
    The port commission approves and adopts an annual budget. Some of the key budget decisions include authorizing and adopting tax levy amounts, adopting policies, and disposing and distributing supplies, property, and equipment.
  • Designating the Port's Executive Director/Manager
    The port commission is responsible for recruiting, hiring and evaluating the performance of the port's chief executive. The commission delegates responsibility to this port administrator, then respects that delegated authority.


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